Friday 25 December 2009

!!!! Jingled Bells !!!!

Hurray !! Christmas arrived !!
But boy, did it get off to a rough start !

First of all, I woke up around midnight, stumbled out of bed onto the landing , and what do you think I see ???
Father Christmas's Snowy footprints !!!
"Is he here already" , I thought.
Daddy came and put me back into bed though , and said that mummy had scared him off when she was "rabbitting with aunty Cabby on Skype.", so he hadn't had time to leave any presents and was going to have to come back later. I said to daddy that when I saw the footprints, I was so excited, I nearly fell over...

Then, when I woke up in the morning, I followed the snowy footprints to my room to find my stocking, and it was .... EMPTY !!
Father Christmas couldn't get the presents in it because they were too big, so swapped it to a big stocking.

My, that was a fright though!

Anyway, I followed the footprints downstairs, and boy was I in for an exciting time. Watch my video !
Trouble was, the biggest present I had was from Santa. A massive castle, but daddy opened it, and it was ... broken !!
Daddy said it must have been one of the elves when they were loading it onto the sleigh, and he was right, because after I came back from nanny's, Santa had brought me another one, and left a note !

On boxing day we went to see snow white with nana and grandad. That was a lot of fun, although there were bits I didn't understand. Like when Muddles said "Do you like my bum ? It's not perfect, it's got a crack in it."
Daddy laughed, so I did too.
He was also chortling at lines like "You're rubbish at cooking, your cottage pie tastes like cottages, your toad in the hole tastes like toads, and your spotted dick tastes like ... ahem ..."
And then there was something about some guy called Tiger woods who was doing a new play called "Woods in the Babe", but Daddy said we wouldn't be able to go and watch that one.
He said it was a "bit of blue for the dads". I said "oh right." , but I haven't got a clue as to what he was on about. Sounds like fun to be a grown up though....
Oooh, but just before that I had a bit of an adventure, we were on a zip slide in the park, bombing it over a massive ice cold puddle. I thought it'd be a great idea to stick my hand in...
It wasn't ...
Off I came. Straight into the puddle. Drenched. I was not amused.
Some old geezer came and gave me a fruit bar though and said it was "the best thing he'd seen all christmas".
Grown ups are rotten. But the fruit bar was nice. Actually, daddy ate it, and I swapped it with him for some chocolate.
Bargain. I need to get drenched more often.

Anyway, here's some christmas pics for you ! Including my new short haircut. Uncle Andy thinks I should be in a band called "The beatles", but I didn't know what that meant. But if I know Uncle Andy, and I think I do, he's taking the McCartney out of me. Let it be, uncle Andy, or I'll teach Tommy how to really give you a Hard Day's Night.

Ta ta for now ... you won't believe what happened at New Year !!!

Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas is coming !!!!

Right, well I know I've been away for a bit, but I'm 5, it's nearly Christmas, and it's been a busy year.
Let me give you a quick round up from this weekend.
I went to a pottery party, saw father christmas, and had my christmas nativity play.

Okay ? All happy. Right, see you later then.

Just kidding.
( Eeeh, I think I'm getting my daddy's sense of humour, that's gonna bug mummy no end. )

"Pottery party" , I hear you say ?! Well, yep, that's right. My pal Rupert was 6 on Thursday, so on Saturday we all went to a pottery place in the sticks somewhere. Daddy was bombing it along the country roads saying it was "Special Stage 24 !" or something, which I didn't get, but it must be a special place where lots of children poo their pants coz I'm pretty sure me and Kaylen did.
Anyway, I tried my hand at pottery and didn't do too badly. I made a picture frame and a bowl ( of sorts ). Mummy and Daddy said they loved it, but sometimes they tell me some right porkies to keep me happy.
Here's some pics :

Next , we shot off to see Father Christmas. He was visiting our friend Rachel's house. I was a bit suspicious though, he had green wellies and had to lift his beard up to shove a mince pie underneath.

Bit fishy that if you ask me. And he seemed veeeerrry interested in the Bristol Rovers score. Surely he'd support someone else ? Or spend his time watching North Pole Dancers ?

Anyway, here's a pic of that too ... you be the judge ...

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. My nativity ! I was an alien.
"An alien ?" I hear you cry ! Yes, an alien. Haven't you read the bible ?

We crash land at this school and they let us watch their christmas play ... Genius.

My line was "Thank you for telling us about Christmas". I thought I delivered it very well too. Very Humphrey Bogart.

Daddy bought me a swampfire suit, and mummy made me some deely bopper eye things. All very cool and looking pretty funky, even if I do say so myself. Especially when 2 other people had the same outfit on ... by accident !

Here's some pics of that. I collected my oscar later. And spent most of the play waving at daddy, pointing to my girlfriends, and getting him to take pictures of them. Is that weird ?

Tuesday 17 November 2009


Hi everyone, I'm back.
Got some stuff to tell you about ! We had a Halloween party !! And my friends and I had a "Bataday" party earlier that day too.
Bataday is basically a batman themed day. We all dressed up and had batman type games and stuff.
(Hey, did you know if you click on these pictures , you get a bigger version ? Then just hit the back arrow up at the top. Did you not know that ?? Gee, I'm 5, and I knew it ...)

Here's one ... Who is Batman ?

It's me !!

There were 20 pictures of all our friends with Batman masks, and we all had to guess who they were. Us kids won. The grown ups were ruuuubbbish !

Then we just partied on down, we did shows, had stories, pin the batsign on the batman, hide and seek batman treat, you name it. Top notch day. More chocs than you can shake a stick at , and a midnight bedtime. Daddy said "Social services would have his balls for earrings." ... but I didn't know what that meant.

Here's the pumpkins lils brought ...

... and here's me and Lils imitating them ! Looooooking goooood kids, looooking gooood ...

Monday 12 October 2009

Shoop Shoop Shooperman ...

Oooh, skiing season coming soon ... here I am in action ! Try and keep up daddy !!
You may notice daddy following me, then as I stop, he flies by and knocks me over.
Bloody Boarders...

Here's me a couple of days earlier, copying daddy ... even when he falls over !

And here was me the year before .. Run Daddy, Run like the wind !!!!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Romance is dead ...

Okay, I'm back ! How've you all been ?

Would you like an update ?
Well, this weekend , my mummy and daddy went away on something they called a romantic weekend for two.

Except they invited me too.

Now, I don't know if you know this, but romance and kids don't mix. And 2 plus one is 3. Even I know that.

So, yep, I got to do whaaaaatever I wanted, and the big folks just followed my lead. Those fake tears work wonders kids, keep at it...

Our hotel was in a place called Lymington, down in hampshire somewhere, on Earth.

The Weather was pretty bad, but we ended up going down to the beach anyway. In a gale. I don't mind, I'm a kid, I got to throw a lot of rocks.

Here's me doing just that. We had a competition. And I won . Daddy said I was "Hit hot at it" , or something like that.

The next day, we headed off on a boat to Hurst castle.
Not the best castle I've ever seen, it's not Harry Potter Geordie castle, that's for sure, but I ran around a lot, smacked my head on a couple of cannons, and climbed walls with the word 'danger' written on them, so it wasn't all bad.
Anyway, here's some pics to click on of me having a blast !

In other news, I got moved up in my swimming class. I'm heading for the big pool baby ...

Thursday 1 October 2009

Whoooooosh - 5 years later

Okay, well time ticks on. This is how big I am now .
I always think it's a good idea to compare yourself to shiny dinosaurs, gives you a real sense of persp.. perspc... puspect ... errr, size.

Ahem, anyway, in a mo, I'll fill you in on what I've been up to, but it's waaaay past my bedtime ...

Saturday 13 June 2009

Ride 'em Spider Boy !

Hi guys ! This is my first bike ride without stabilizers! Check me out ! Not too shabby, I think you'll find !

Then I rea
lly go for it ! Can't be long now until my daddy lets me go on the pavement !