Thursday 11 February 2010

Shooper Heroes !

Well, it's that time again... Mummy and Daddy drag me off to the mountains in France, stick 2 planks on my feet and send me up on a chair on a wire. I get off, I slide down the hill, then I do it all again.

Cracking fun though, but I'd never let on that I like it.

This time, my life long buddy Lily came too , AND SHE WAS BRILLIANT !! She'd only had 4 lessons in England, bless her, and she was keeping up with me noooooo problem. That's my girl !

Anyway, we were in a cool chalet, and a pretty village and there was lots of snow. Lily and I both passed our ski lessons. They were called "Flocon". Daddy said we both did, "Flocon Brilliantly." The grown ups laughed. Except the mummies, they tutted. But to be honest, I didn't get it. Maybe one day ...

Anyway, some of my other friends were there too. Another Max, Thea and Lukas. we're all really good skiers actually, and if I'm being truthful, I think the grown ups are a bit fearful we can beat them. You can hear the panic in their voices and smell the fear in their ski pants.

You can't blame them really. We can really motor. Have a look ...

So until, next time, here's some pretty cool shots to make you jealous ...